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A Faster Approach to

Lower Back Pain Relief

Discover how our innovative orthotic insoles have revolutionised pain management for our customers.
Tyfo new innovative orthotic insoles priced from £65.00 to £90.00.

Did You Know?

Lower back pain is one of the most common health complaints worldwide.

Lower back pain isn't just a physical ailment! It's a daily barrier that affects every facet of life. From the simple joy of bending to tie a shoe, to the restless nights longing for a pain-free sleep, lower back pain can transform routine tasks into challenging hurdles.

It hinders our ability to work efficiently, engage in recreational activities, and even share precious moments with loved ones. The constant discomfort serves as a reminder of the activities we once took for granted, now overshadowed by the persistent ache.

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Understanding What Causes Lower Back Pain: The Foundation for Relief

Understanding that lower back pain can arise from a myriad of sources, including acute injuries, chronic conditions, and lifestyle factors, it's crucial to approach relief and management with a comprehensive strategy. The discomfort stemming from muscle or ligament strains, disc issues, arthritis, osteoporosis, skeletal irregularities, poor posture, or a sedentary lifestyle necessitates a multifaceted approach to treatment and prevention.

Lower Back Stretches

Help relieve pain by loosening tight muscles, increasing flexibility, and improving blood circulation to the affected area. Stretches gently extend the spinal muscles, reducing stiffness and promoting mobility. Regularly performing these exercises can also strengthen back muscles, supporting the spine more effectively and reducing the likelihood of future discomfort. 

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists can tailor specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting your back and improve your posture, which can help relieve pain. Core strengthening exercises, flexibility routines, and aerobic activities are often recommended.

Weight Management

Excess body weight puts additional stress on your back. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help relieve back pain and prevent future episodes.

Pain Medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be effective for short-term relief. In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications.

Proper Lifting Techniques

Learning and consistently applying proper lifting techniques can prevent back pain from arising due to strain or injury. Always lift from your knees, not your back, and avoid twisting your torso while lifting.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Applying heat packs or cold packs to the affected area can offer immediate pain relief. Heat therapy increases blood flow and soothes discomfort, while cold therapy reduces inflammation and numbs deeper layers of muscle.

Ergonomic Adjustments

Making changes to your work and home environments to support your back better can prevent pain. This includes using chairs with proper lumbar support, standing desks, and ergonomic pillows and mattresses.

Foot Support

Proper foot support, through the use of orthotic insoles, can play a crucial role in aligning the spine and reducing lower back pain. Insoles can correct posture imbalances and distribute weight more evenly, alleviating stress on the lower back.

One often overlooked but crucial element in relieving or preventing Lower Back Pain is the importance of having Strong Activated Feet - and it’s never too late to start.

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Researchers have recently announced the discovery of a hidden Foot Motor that can create higher energy levels when activated correctly - Tyfo insoles are the first brand to activate this hidden Motor.

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Whether your standing, walking, running or jumping, Tyfo insoles instantly generate higher levels of force when you contact the ground - these increased forces decide how much energy your Feet and body get to use for all your daily activities.

This new energy flow passes via these Mechanoreceptors through your feet into your lower leg muscle and fascia systems and crucially is circulated throughout your whole body allowing the fascia system to maintain flexibility and motivate stronger muscle energy and movements.

Our feet, especially with the plantar glabrous skin, contain one of the most robust and richly MCR innervated fascia - the plantar fascia/aponeurosis.

De-activated weak feet create higher levels of stress throughout our total body system, which then limits our muscle development and eventually the quality of our movement. This can be improved or avoided by re-activating your feet with Tyfo insoles.

Tyfo insoles, in conjunction with enhanced fascial tensioning, can reduce postural strain throughout the integrated fascial system. This extends through the legs into the thoracolumbar fascia, a major contributor to 'idiopathic' back pain syndromes.

Tyfo insoles are designed to activate and stimulate all body types, foot shapes and conditions. Select from a choice of Soft, Medium or Strong Insole hardnesses, and feel the difference in a matter of days.

This hidden mechanism is triggered by the clever design surface of the Tyfo Insoles. Combining shoes that have less cushioning with Tyfo
Insoles will increase the rate at which your Feet strengthen.

This encourages faster muscle growth & strength which builds our endurances and means we become less tired than before.

Tyfos enhance the stimulation of specific neural sensory nerves, the mechanoreceptors (MCRs). These receptors convey touch, pressure, vibration, and proprioceptive signals.

Tyfo Insoles positively influence the nerve fibers in the Feet that convey these higher Mechanoreceptor signals (A alpha & beta) travel faster than those transmitting pain (A delta & C). This reduces the pain signal's ratio to the mechanical signal, decreasing pain perception in the central nervous system (CNS).

The combined effects of Tyfo insoles unconsciously adjust your Posture and balance thereafter reducing pain from prior poor alignment.

Reclaim the life you deserve.

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