Dr Verena Sablotny
~ Dancer with 25 years of experience but with constant pains and injuries
~ Now a Practitioner in fascia health and performance
“As a passionate dancer with hip dysplasia, hip and knee pain were
part of my everyday life. Most recently, it was only possible for me to
remain able to dance with recurring therapeutic treatments.
This changed abruptly with the use of the tyfo insoles! Already with
first use, hip and knee pain during my dance lessons disappeared for
the first time when I wore the insoles. I gradually increased wearing
time. Today, I wear the insoles for the entire time I dance - and I am
Monika Leitner
~ PhD Health Sciences.
~ MSc Sports Physiotherapy
~ MAS Health & Fitness
~ Practicing physiotherapist in Bern
~ Enjoys biking, running, skiing

“My desire is to get more people
to appreciate their feet and to regain that
positive feeling of when we walk barefoot
on a sandy beach or through a grass field -
I found this new brand who in my opinion
offers a step in the right direction.
The letters TYFO stand for Turn Your Feet On.
The name already suggests that this is not a
conventional (mostly) stablizing insert, but a
completely new concept.”
The goal of tyfo insoles is to improve the health and well-being of the feet and the entire body by activating the muscles and regulating the fascial system.
The insoles are available in different versions, which differ in terms of curves, tips and elevations as well as hardness. Through the different “landscapes” of the insert - from gentle hill chain to imposing mountain peaks - the mechanoreceptors are activated. These are sensors that we have on the soles of our feet and that are unfortunately not activated enough by inactive lifestyles, but also by unfavourable shoes. The stimulation of these sensors can improve the activation of the foot and calf muscles as well as the networking between the muscle and nervous systems.
On the soles of our feet there is also a strong fascial tissue, the so-called Plantar Fascia, which is connected to the entire fascial system of the body (up to the skull). Due to the rolling movement, this important fascia gets a gentle massage at every step - with a variety of positive effects on the entire organism.
I recommend tyfo insoles to most of my patients and I have received highly positive feedback.
My story - I was desperate
“I suffer from arthritis in my right foot and have heel spurs on my left. Lots of pain in feet and calves. Apart from pain, I have no feeling in my feet. I also suffer from really bad Plantar Fasciitis and have flat feet. I was under treatment by a local specialist for 3 years”
So simple and easy - Feeling Great!
“My doctor recommended surgery to fix my problems, but I wasn’t keen. So I went to see Simon as a last resort. I tried tyfos and I was blown away that they worked so quickly!
My pain went from 10 to 2 after just a few days, my plantar problem improved dramatically after only 3 weeks and I’m now wearing them for 10 hours a day, I can’t believe the difference!
“When I first met Simon I didn’t tell him that I really suffered from an auto-immune condition called CIPD which gave me terrible chronic pain and numbness in both feet, toes and lower right leg. This also causes severe balance issues and muscle strength loss, resulting in frequent falls. I met with my neurologist and he was pushing me towards surgery, and then I met Simon and he suggested that I activate my feet.”
“It’s the speed of my improvement that surprised me. After just two days of wearing tyfo I was walking easier and could feel my toes.
After a month, no leg cramps, and my whole posture is better with more strength in my legs. Falling down is now a thing of the past.
Every night I was exhausted, but now every morning I’m totally energised and it’s because of these amazing insoles. Six years of numb feet and legs have gone!”

Åke Rohlén
Ödsmål, Sweden
“For a few months I’ve been using the ‘black insoles’ (No.8) and they are addictive. I have a weak knee and some years back had knee surgery. Since starting to use the insoles, the strengthening of the foot muscles has improved my knee and I’m confident in starting, modestly, to run again. I had no idea that you can become addicted to insoles! After using the 8s a few times, the feet start to signal that it wants the simulation - every day. You feel your feet when using and after use, there is a feeling of well-being.”
“Triathletes are known for buying and testing anything new on the market straight away :) I immediately registered for the first Foot Boost treatment at Schumacher Sport in Lagenthal. After the first few minutes, I was impressed by Simon Skirrow’s professional treatment and explanation”
“I now use the massage stick every day to activate the soles of my feet in the morning and evening, and I also use the insoles. I believe this was one of my cheapest and best investments in the last 20 years. Running feels completely different after just a few days (better). I’m looking forward to using the massage of the soles of the feet and the insoles intensively in the training camp in the following months.”
Adrian Lehmann
~ 2023 Swiss Marathon Champion
~ Full-time athlete
My story - Too many injuries
“As a full-time athlete, too much time was being spent on the treatment table. Can’t train properly when constantly picking up injuries. It was really disruptive - I wasn’t quite reaching the levels I wanted to and had to keep pausing again and again. I doubted whether I still had what it takes”
Everything changed - What a difference!
“Simon shared the ActivFeet concept with me, and I really bought into it. I adopted tyfos into my daily routine, increased the amount of training continuously and had an injury-free year. As a result, I equalled my best time ever over 10km and improved my personal records in the Swiss half-marathon and full marathon. I even won Gold for the first time at the Swiss Championships in the marathon.”
Ruth Wilson
~ PT4 Triathlon Champion
~ Para GB Elite Team
~ 6 Podium finishes
“A Parkinson’s diagnosis in 2009 took my self-belief away”
My story - It was all over
“I was in pain, swollen feet and I couldn’t run. Becoming a triathlon Dualthon really helped me fight the disease and my symptoms and I had great success becoming British PT4 Triathlon Champion amongst other triumphs even with a fractured femur, but eventually I had to stop and even give up my job.
I couldn’t even wear shoes as the pain was so severe and I was fighting my own body all the time. I felt depressed”
Now I’m back - It’s a miracle!
“By chance on my last day in the running store I worked in, Simon came in to talk about tyfo. I explained my difficult situation and he immediately asked me to test his new insoles. He stressed that I should start slowly and only wear 1-2 hours a day, however, I liked the feeling and pushed much harder for at least 4 hours a day. After 3 days I could really feel my feet and toes again. 5 days later I ran 5 miles, no pain, no swelling, felt great.
I can wear shoes again and I’m even planning my first half-Ironman!”
"Activation of Mechanoreceptor systems is critical to train, monitor, react and engage our muscular system to optimise motor skills"
David Buer Performance coach
Atlanta, USA
"I play tennis and suffer terrible arch pain but these insoles took all my pain away"
Susann Orus, Switzerland
"Since I combine custom orthotics with my tyfos my calf cramps have gone and right knee pain has too"
Danny Zwyssig, Switzerland
"I am 85 years old, have had horrible back pain for 35 years or more, seen many doctors /have tried many treatments, nothing worked but after 2 weeks of wearing tyfo I am now finally pain free , its a miracle"
Patrice Berhnard, Switzerland
"I am a big hiker, 10-12 big Alps walks every year, always had calf cramps before and after these walks, my local shop recommended tyfo and now my cramps have stopped "
Hans Schmid, Luzern, Switzerland
"I feel better, my blood circulation has improved and I no longer have cold feet!"
Yolanda Levers, Zurich, Switzerland
"Heel spurs,ball of foot pain and horrible tiredness have all gone since using TYFO's"
Dominique Schaffeu
"Since my ACL surgery I've had constant keen pain and only 85% leg extension so my training has been very tough, Simon suggested I try the medium Tyfo and after only a few weeks I#ve nog got 100% and zero pain, it's amazing "
Fabienne Belanger
"My sister has problems with achilles tendon pain, and just went for a longer walk the other day with TYFO and she said, it was amazing how long she was able to walk without pain.."
Iren Rauber
"They feel very good after running, also during running is a good feeling, No hard or tired calves anymore ..."
Moreno Beti, Switzerland
"Just a quick note to let you know that your products are fantastic. I can highly recommend your products"
Slaven Todorovic, Lagenthal, Switzerland
"I normally get badly aching feet after 2km of walking. After starting to wear tyfos I can walk 3+km without any aching at all"
Customer name TBC (Monika)
"I run everyday on the treadmill and stop once I've burned 500 calories, usually takes 32.30 mins , after wearing the TYFO for a week the treadmill stopped at 29,35 !! and the next day it stopped at 28,52 these are fantastic"
Alan Vickers
"I was suffering from water in my legs & my physiotherapist recommended I try tyfos. I wear them at home for 1-2hrs at first. I felt the points intensely at the beginning, now I can tolerate them as long as I want.
My experience: I no longer have water in my legs. In bed my legs twitch less before sleep. I have better posture, strengthened in the back and chest area. In hiking boots, I walk light-footed through the mountain landscape because with my tyfos fitted my Hallux no longer hurts."
Margrit Stump, Bern, Switzerland